
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

extra 5 空中网—杨宁印象

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Kongzhong Corp - Nick Yang - First Impression


yáng níng yī xiào qǐ lái , xiào shēng fēi cháng shuǎng lǎng , ér qiě yǎn jīng dōu xiào wān le . tā xǐ huān yòng hěn duō xiǎo gù shì lái shuō míng zì jǐ de guān diǎn , nuò màn dǐ dēng lù de diǎn gù 、 liú bèi de yì shǐ , shèn zhì shì < tè luò yī > de shén huà , dōu shì niān lái jiù yòng , tán huà qì fēn yě jiù fēi cháng huó pō le .

Nick Yang has a hearty laught, and his eyes become invisible when he does so. He likes to tell little stories to make his point; the D-day, and Liu Bei in Three Kingdoms, or even the Trojan war myth, are all ready at his hands. As a result, the atmosphere of conversation is very lively.

Useful expressions

刘备的“三顾茅庐”就是一个典故。  liú bèi de " sān gù máo lú " jiù shì yī gè diǎn gù .
Liu Bei's making three calls at the thatched cottage is a classic story.

他是一个很爽朗的人。 tā shì yī gè hěn shuǎng lǎng de rén .
He is a frank and open person.

今天开会的气氛很好。 jīn tiān kāi huì de qì fēn hěn hǎo .
The atmosphere of the meeting is good.

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